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Harris County
technology to
support their

  • Challenge

    • The Harris Center for Mental Health and Intellectual and Developmental Disability has a mission: to use technology within the criminal justice system to produce better outcomes in the lives of people with mental illness.

    • Even with 2,400 employees operating in 86 care locations, the Harris Center can't be everywhere at once to assist officers in emergency situations with specialized resources and training.

    • A strategic approach to the law enforcement role in crisis intervention is essential.


    Download the case study

    We needed a partner who could think flexibly and be agile with us as we tried to innovate and solve problems through a different way of thinking.


  • Wayne Young, Chief Executive Officer of The Harris Center for Mental Health and Intellectual and Developmental Disability

  • Almost 30% of our services are delivered where people live, work and go to school, so it’s a pretty mobile workforce. [It’s] of great value to us knowing that our partner is behind the scenes taking care of the things that need to be taken care of so that for our workforce it’s seamless, it’s reliable and it’s scalable.
  • Wayne Young, Chief Executive Officer of The Harris Center for Mental Health and Intellectual and Developmental Disability

  • Solution

    • The Clinician and Officer Remote Evaluation (CORE) Program began in 2017 as a partnership between the Harris Center and Harris County Sheriff's Office.

    • In partnership with Verizon, the crisis intervention team now operates through reliable mobile tablets, real-time connectivity and secure lines of communication that keep sensitive data safe while helping to ensure a personal, human connection.

    • This agile solution helps to improve experiences with law enforcement for the nearly 900,000 adults in Harris County who are vulnerable to mental illness, and its components can be scalable to allow first responders to assist communities around the world.

This forward thinking mental health and public safety agency solution includes:

  • fleettracking

    4G LTE Apple iPad 9.7 powered by Verizon

  • Group icon

    Apple business manager


  • Mobileiron icon

    MobileIron silver license

  • Security icon

    Security & device management overlay


  • Virtual collaboration icon

    Virtual collaboration solution

  • Public Safety icon

    Collaborative public safety, mental health & technology partnerships


  • Outcome

    With a reliable technology partner, the Harris Center and Sheriff’s Office have transformed the law enforcement role in crisis intervention for the county.

    • The CORE Program has been leveraged to support thousands of constituents in Harris County.

    • The benefit to constituents is clear: the CORE Program is delivering essential resources for people in the community; in Phase III, nearly half of individuals who spoke to a mental health professional were encountering the Harris Center for the first time.

  • 73% of deputies report that the combination of a clinician and technical solution helped de-escalate a situation.

  • How we built the solution

  • While staying ready to respond to emergencies

    Emergency response requires reliable communications and flexible technology built for the worst-case scenario.

    View response solutions