Channelized: Subdividing the bandwidth of a circuit into smaller increments.
Concatenated: Joining several fibers together end-to-end resulting in full bandwidth. Concatenated circuits are noted by a "c", e.g., OC3c.
Dedicated: A facility or equipment system or subsystem set aside for the sole use of a specific Customer.
Endlink: An Endlink is a remote or secondary Customer Premises location.
Full Bandwidth: A circuit that has not been Channelized.
Host: A Host is a primary or aggregation center.
Multi-Point Service: Multi-Point Service is unswitched full-time transmission service utilizing the Company's facilities to connect a customer location to two or more Customer designated locations or Company Points of Presence.
Multiplex: Multiplexing mans to transmit two or more signals over a single channel. A Multiplexer is electronic equipment which allows two or more signals to pass over one communications circuit
Network: The Company's digital fiber optics-based network.
Protocol Specific: A circuit that is specific to a main frame vendors communication protocol.
Point to
Point Service: Point to Point Service is an unswitched full time transmission
service utilizing the Company's facilities to connect two or more Customer
designated locations.
The Customer-requested move of a single end of a circuit to another location
the same metropolitan
area. Monthly recurring
charges based on actual location will apply to reterminated circuits.
Transparent Channel: A Metro Private Line Optical Wave Service of 2.5 Gbps or 10 Gbps where the full bandwidth of the circuit is available to the Customer.