Offer: During each monthly period of the Customer's term of service following promotion enrollment, the following monthly recurring charges for International Private Line Services circuits between the United States and India, based on circuit speed:
Circuit Speed Monthly Recurring Charge
64 kbps $ 1,429
28 kbps 2,586
192 kbps 3,175
56 kbp 4,286
84 kbps 5,143
512 kbps 6,000
768 kbps 7,000
1.024 Mbps 7,714
1.544 Mbps 8,857
2.048 Mbps 10,000
Eligibility: A Customer must:
enroll between July 18, 2002 and January 31, 2005; and,
receive service under a term of service which equals or exceeds one year.
Other Requirements: No other promotional offering or discounts will apply to the service which receives the benefits of this promotion.