I. SERVICE DESCRIPTION: SONET provides a dedicated, point-to-point, simultaneous full-duplex optical private line service with synchronous optical network (SONET) transmission at speeds from 45 Mbps to 622 Mbps. SONET provides end-to-end transmission service when originating and terminating via Dedicated Access within the U.S. Mainland. The following bandwidths are available for Inter-Exchange Carrier (IXC) transport between Company-designated Point-of-Presence (POP): DS3 (44.736 Mbps), OC3 (155.520 Mbps), and OC12 (622.08 Mbps). Linear, and Restorable circuits are available for all speeds. Concatenated services are available for OC3 and OC12 bandwidths.
II. DEFINITIONS: The General Definitions apply.
Concatenated joins several fibers together end-to-end resulting in full bandwidth. Concatenated circuits are noted by a "c", e.g., OC3c.
Linear circuit is a circuit that provides a logical SONET ring over a single physical connection.
Restorable circuit is a circuit that provides redundancy via a physical SONET ring topology.
III. FEATURES AND OPTIONS: The following is available:
1. SONET Service Level Agreement
Service Availability
Type 1 On-net 100.00%
1. Monthly Recurring Charges:
1.1 For Verizon Business Service II Customers, the following monthly recurring per-circuit Inter Exchange Channel (IXC) charges apply, based on bandwidth, circuit type and Mileage Band:
Bandwidth |
Circuit Type |
Mileage Band |
Fixed |
Per-Mile |
DS3 |
Restorable |
0 100 |
$2,800 |
$11.25 |
Restorable |
101 499 |
3,000 |
8.00 |
Restorable |
500 + |
3,500 |
8.00 |
OC3 |
Linear |
0 + |
7,040 |
16.56 |
Restorable |
0 + |
8,000 |
18.00 |
OC12 |
Linear |
0 + |
21,120 |
49.68 |
Restorable |
0 + |
24,000 |
54.00 |
1.1.1 SONET STS-1: SONET STS-1 monthly recurring charges apply per-circuit, based on city-pair location of the circuit. As of December 1, 2005 STS-1 (51.840 Mbps), bandwidth is not available for new installations.
1.2 For Verizon Business Service I Customers, the following monthly recurring per-circuit Inter Exchange Channel (IXC) charges apply, based on bandwidth, circuit type and Mileage Band:
Bandwidth |
Circuit Type |
Mileage Band |
Fixed |
Per-Mile |
DS3 |
Restorable |
0 100 |
$3,000 |
$12.50 |
Restorable |
101 499 |
3,375 |
8.75 |
Restorable |
500 + |
4,000 |
8.75 |
OC3 |
Linear |
0 + |
7,128 |
17.39 |
Restorable |
0 + |
8,100 |
18.90 |
OC12 |
Linear |
0 + |
28,512 |
62.56 |
Restorable |
0 + |
32,400 |
68.00 |
1.2.1 SONET STS-1: SONET STS-1 monthly recurring charges apply per-circui, based on city-pair location of the circuit. As of December 1, 2005 STS-1 (51.840 Mbps), bandwidth is not available for new installations.
1.3 For Pre-Verizon Business Service I Customers, the following monthly recurring per-circuit charges apply for restorable circuits based on the city-pair location of the circuit. As of December 1, 2005, SONET STS-1 is not available for new installations:
1.3.1 The following monthly recurring
per-circuit charges apply for linear circuits as well as restorable circuits
whose city-pairs are not found in the SONET DS3 and SONET OC3 tables in Section
Bandwidth |
Mileage Band |
Fixed |
Per-Mile |
DS3 |
1 100 |
$53,121 |
$234.39 |
101 500 |
60,991 |
157.70 |
501 + |
65,121 |
157.70 |
OC3 |
0 + |
98,242 |
308.00 |
2. Discounts: Network Pricing Plan discounts are available to Pre-Verizon Business Service I Customers only and apply to Inter Exchange Channel (IXC) charges.
3. Non-recurring Charges:
3.1. Customer Support Services charges apply.
3.2 Administrative Non-Recurring Charges
3.3 Installation: A $1,000 installation per-circuit installation charge applies.
V. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: In addition to General Terms and Conditions, the following applies:
1. The minimum service term requirement for all SONET private line service is one year. If the Customer discontinues service prior to the end of the minimum service term, the Customer will be billed all applicable charges for the remainder of the one-year term as if the circuit had remained in service for the required period.