Special Customer Arrangement (SCA) Guide Type 3


The following terms and conditions (including pricing) apply to all SCA Guide Type 3 arrangements.  Unless modified by the following, all terms and conditions (including pricing) set forth elsewhere in this Guide (or applicable tariff) apply. 


1.         Term and Renewal Options:  Prior to March 1, 2004, Customer must be an existing Customer receiving service under a Company term plan and must enroll in a new MCI Services Agreement (Term Plan) for a term of either one, two, three, four or five years (Initial Term.) The terms and conditions applicable to an SCA Guide Type 3 are separate from, and in addition to, terms and conditions that apply to the Term Plan with which an SCA Guide Type 3 is associated.


2.         Description of Service:  SCA Guide Type 3 service will consist of Long Distance Voice Services, Audio Conferencing, domestic Frame Relay Services, U.S. Private Line Services, Global Private Line, dedicated interstate access service, Internet Dedicated Services, Net Conferencing, and exchange service provided by the Company or an affiliate of the Company pursuant to tariff, if applicable.


3.         Volume Commitment:   The provisions of the Term Plan will apply except that the Customer may elect an Term Plan annual volume commitment of any amount between $600 and $1,199,988.  For purposes of this SCA Guide Type 3, “Monthly Volume Requirement (MVR)” is defined as an amount equal to one-twelfth of the Customer’s annual volume commitment.


4.         Rates and Discounts:  Except as set forth in this Section, rates established elsewhere in this Guide, as these may be amended from time to time, will apply.


4.1       On-Net Voice Services: 


4.1.1    Domestic Service:  The Customer will be charged the following per-minute rates for On-Net Voice Services Outbound Service, including Calling Card, usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI and On-Net Services Inbound Service usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and CNMI and terminates in the U.S. Mainland and Hawaii, based on origination type for Outbound Service usage and termination type for Inbound Service  and the Customer’s SCA Guide Type 3 term of the service:


                          Call Type/Term of Service/Per-Minute Rate                                           

                                                                                    Dedicated and

                                                                                    Local Network Connection

Switched Origination (Outbound Service)                  Origination (Outbound Service)/

Termination (Inbound Service)                                   Termination (Inbound Service)

1                    2, 3, 4 or 5                                           1                         2, 3, 4 or 5


$0.2137                $0.1830                                           $0.1395                   $0.1211


4.1.2    International Service:  The Customer will be charged the following per-minute rates for On-Net Voice Services Outbound Service, including Calling Card, usage which originates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa, and terminates in the following locations, based on origination type:


Usage Charges


The Customer will be charged the following per-minute rates for On-Net Voice Services International Toll Free Service usage which originates in the following locations and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands, based on termination type:


Usage Charges


4.2       Domestic Private Line Services: The Customer will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring charges for DS0 (Digital Signal Level 0) and DS1 (Digital Signal Level 1) circuits ordered and installed during the Initial Term, based on circuit type, MVR and the Customer’s SCA Guide Type 3 term of the service:


DS0 (Digital Signal Level 0)    DS1 (Digital Signal Level 1)   

                         Term of Service (Years)/Discount                       

Monthly Volume Commitment                1                2           3, 4 or 5          1                2           3, 4 or 5


$    100      -  $      499                            20%           20%           20%           15%           15%           18%

$    500      -  $      999                            21              22              20              15              15              18

$ 1,000      -  $   1,999                            21              22              23              19              20              21

$ 2,000      -  $   2,999                            22              25              26              30              32              34

$ 3,000      -  $   3,999                            22              25              26              32              34              36

$ 4,000      -  $   4,999                            22              25              26              34              36              38

$ 5,000      -  $   6,999                            23              26              27              38              43              47

$ 7,000      -  $  9,999                            23              26              27              42              47              49

$ 10,000     -  $ 14,999                            24              27              28              49              50              51

$ 15,000     -  $ 24,999                            24              27              28              50              51              52

$ 25,000     -  $99,999                            25              28              29              50              51              52

$ 50,000     -  $ 99,999                            25              28              29              50              51              57


4.3       Frame Relay Services:  The Customer will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring port and PVC charges, based on MVR and the Customer’s SCA Guide Type 3 term of the service:


 Term of Service (Years)/Discount

Monthly Volume Commitment          1                      2                 3, 4 or 5


$      100    - $      999                       36%                 42%                 43%

$   1,000    - $   1,999                       37                    43                    44

$   2,000    - $   2,999                       40                    46                    47

$   3,000    - $   3,999                       41                    47                    49

$   4,000    - $   4,999                       42                    48                    50

$   5,000    - $   6,999                       43                    50                    52

$   7,000    - $   9,999                       44                    51                    54

$ 10,000    - $ 14,999                       47                    54                    57

$ 15,000    - $ 99,999                       48                    55                    58


4.4       Access:  The Customer will receive a credit equal to installation charges for T-1 Digital Access ordered during the Initial Term and installed on a non-expedited basis.


For Customers who subscribe to this SCA Type 3 prior to January 1, 2003, the Company will waive monthly recurring Access Coordination and Central Office Connection charges for the Customer's dedicated access circuits installed before October 1, 1998.  This waiver will be in force for the length of Customer's new Term Plan.


4.5       Global Private Line:  Customer will receive the following discounts on monthly recurring charges for Global Data Link and International Private Line, based on the annual volume commitment.



Term of Service (Years)/Discount

Annual Volume Commitment








           $1 –   $11,999




  $12,000 –   $23,999




  $24,000 –   $35,999




  $36,000 –   $47,999




  $48,000 –   $59,999




  $60,000 –   $83,999




  $84,000 – $179,999




$180,000 – $239,999




$240,000 – $900,000





4.6       Internet Dedicated Services:  The Customer will receive the following discounts on the Customer’s existing Internet Dedicated Services, excluding 768Kbps/T1 ISDN Back Up service and service at OC48, for which the Customer renews the term of service for the following terms under this SCA Type:


Term of Service             Discount


                                              1                                  8%

                                              2                                10

                                              3                                13


4.7       Audio Conferencing:   The following provisions apply for Audio Conferencing in lieu of all other discounts.


4.7.1    Conferencing Calling:  The Customer will be charged the following per-minute per-bridge port rates, inclusive of bridging and transport unless otherwise specified, for Conferencing Calling usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, based on Service Level, access type and term of service:


                                                                                                                              Term of Service (Years)

Service Level                          Access Type                                                            1                2 or More


Premier Level

                                                Dial-Out Access,                                                    $0.5904           $0.5544
                                                Toll Free Meet-Me Access                                        0.5904             0.5544
                                                Toll Meet-Me Access (bridging only)                         0.4182             0.3927


Standard Level
                                                Dial-Out Access,                                                    $0.4592           $0.4312
                                                Toll Free Meet-Me Access                                        0.4592             0.4312  
                                                Toll Meet-Me Access (bridging only)                         0.2706             0.2541
Unattended Level
                                                Toll Free Meet-Me Access                                      $0.1440           $0.1350
                                                Toll Meet-Me Access (bridging only)                         0.1440             0.1350


4.7.2    Net Conferencing:  The Customer will receive the following discounts on standard per-call per-minute per-participant and monthly recurring charges for Net Conferencing, based on term of service:


Term of Service (Years)            Discount


1                                                      18%

2 or more                                        23


4.7.3    Features:  The Customer will be charged the following per-minute per-bridge port rates for Dial Out Access, Toll Free Meet-Me Access and Toll Meet-Me Access Instant Meeting Service usage that originates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and terminates in the U.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, based on term of service:


   Term Of Service (Years)/


                                                          1                2 or More


                                                        $0.144             $0.135


4.8       Enterprise Mobility Dial Access: 


4.8.1    Monthly Recurring Charges:  For Customers who renew existing Enterprise Mobility Dial Access North American Flat-Rate pricing plan service under this SCA type, the following monthly recurring charges apply based on the Customer’s term of service under this SCA type and Included Hours per Month:


Term of                       Included Hours                       

Service (Years)                per Month                        Monthly Recurring Charge


                                              1                                      10                                         $   7.31

                                                                                      50                                            15.59

                                                                                    150                                            18.35


                                              2                                      10                                         $   7.16

                                                                                      50                                            15.26

                                                                                    150                                            17.96


4.8.2    Non-Recurring Charges:  A $1.50 Excess Usage charge applies per hour of usage that exceeds the Customer’s Included Hours Per Month.


5.         Classifications, Practices and Regulations:


5.1       Termination For Cause:   Either party may terminate this SCA Type Guide Type 3 for cause.  For purposes of this SCA Guide Type 3, “cause” shall mean: the Customer’s failure to pay any invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of the invoice; and/or breach by the other party of any material provisions of this SCA Guide Type 3 provided that written notice of the breach has been given to the breaching party, and the breach has not been cured within thirty (30) days after delivery of such notice.


5.2       Underutilization:  The provisions of the Term Plan will apply.


5.3       Early Termination:  The provisions of the Term Plan will apply.


5.4       The Company will waive the underutilization and early termination charges set forth in Sections 5.2 and 5.3, under this SCA Type if the Company receives, within 180 days of the date of the Customer’s enrollment in this SCA Type, written notification from the Customer that it wishes to discontinue this SCA Type during that 180-day period.  Customers who terminate all service under this SCA Type will be billed and required to repay on a pro rata basis all credits received and charges waived (excluding installation charge credits and waivers) under this SCA Type.


6.         Other Conditions: Customers receiving service under this SCA Type Guide Type 3 may not receive the benefits of any other term and volume discounts or other offerings on interstate and international telecommunications service, except: Dedicated IP Access with Cisco Router Promotion, Dedicated IP Access with Cisco Router and Redundant T1 Promotion, Dedicated IP Access with Efficient Router Promotion, Dial IP Access with Firewall Promotion, Frame Relay New Customer Installation Waiver 4E Promotion, Frame Relay Upsize Promotion, Fund Promotion I, Fund Promotion II, Fund Promotion III, Install Waiver Promotion, International Outbound One Region Promotion, Internet Dedicated Port Install Parity Promotion, Internet Dial Office Install Promotion, Internet DSL with Local and Long Distance Promotion, IP VPN Advantage Promotion II, IP VPN Advantage Promotion IV, IP VPN Advantage Promotion V, Local and Long Distance-Line Solution, Local and Long Distance Service Plus Optional Calling Plan/Local and Long Distance – Trunk Solution/Local and Long Distance Line Solution II, Local and Long Distance with IP-Line Solution, Local-to-Local Promotion, MCI Affinity Promotion, Verizon Loyalty Plus Promotion I, Verizon Loyalty Promotion II, Verizon Loyalty Promotion III, Premium Data Center Services – Empower Your Enterprise Promotion, Private Line Installation Waiver Promotion, “Reach the Network” Tiered Access Promotion, Regional Frame Relay Promotion and Universal Tiered Access Promotion.